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Weather forecast

Today's weather forecast, 2025/02/05: Cloudless
Today's weather forecast, 2025/02/05
General weather conditions

Persistent high pressure will determine the weather in the Alpine region.

Today's weather

Sunny weather, clear sky. Föhn winds in the northern valleys.

Forecast for the coming days: More clouds from Friday
Partly cloudyVery cloudyDullDull

It will be very sunny again on Thursday. On Friday, the clouds will increase, the sun will only shine occasionally and temperatures will drop by a few degrees. On Saturday, clouds will prevail with light precipitation coming from the south. Also on Sunday, very cloudy skies with the possibility of some local precipitation.

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  • Gasthof zum Schlern
  • Gasthof zum Schlern
  • Gasthof zum Schlern
  • Gasthof zum Schlern
  • Gasthof zum Schlern
  • Gasthof zum Schlern

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